the boy next door

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I stepped inside the moving van to go and grab another box. This one was a lot heavier than all the other ones I'd carried in. But still, I decided I would take this one anyway.

Whilst attempting to successfully climb out the van, I somehow managed to drop the box, causing all its contents to come spilling out. I cursed under my breath before bending down to gather all the items that had fallen out.

"Do you need some help with that?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

The sudden voice took me by surprise a bit. It caused me to jump which earned a laugh from the stranger.

I glanced up at the stranger who'd offered me their help. It took everything in me to stop my jaw from dropping open. He really was that attractive.

"Hello?" He said, snapping me out o my thoughts.

"Sorry." I apologised.

I placed all the items back in the box before responding.

"Would you mind taking this one box in?" I asked. "It's just a bit too heavy for me - as you can probably tell by me dropping it just now."

The boy laughed lightly before picking up the box in one swift motion. He made that box seem light as a feather. It was almost embarrassing.

I grabbed another box from the van and walked up the driveway of my new house with him.

"What's your name?" He asked, after about a few seconds of silence.

"y/n." I replied.

"That's cute. I like that. I'm Shawn. I live next door."

Wow, so I have an attractive neighbour? That just makes this whole moving house thing about 3 times better. Almost makes me forget about the fact I was forced to leave all my friends in England behind and come to Toronto with my family just because my dad got a new job.

Almost makes me forget.

I pushed open the front door and we stepped inside.

"Just put that one in the kitchen." I said.

Shawn obeyed and placed the box on the kitchen counter. I placed my own box on the living room floor before heading back towards the front door. Shawn followed suit.

Before we had the chance to step outside, I heard footsteps approaching behind us.

"Fuck." I mumbled.

"What?" Shawn questioned.

But before I could answer him, my mum's voice called from just behind us.

"y/n, who's this?" She asked.

Shawn and I turned around to face her.

"This is Shawn: our next door neighbour." I said, my voice lacking any emotion.

"Well he's handsome." She said, smiling at Shawn.

"Mum!" I yelled.

Shawn laughed at my mother and I's interaction.

"Okay, calm down." She said. "Well, I'm glad you're making friends already. You see, I told you it wouldn't be that bad, didn't I?"

"Okay, I"m going to go and unpack more boxes, bye mum."

I grabbed Shawn's arm and pulled him out the house.

"She seems nice." He said.

I laughed.

"Wait until you get to know her - you won't be saying that then." I joked.

"I'd like to get to know you a little better first." He said.

A small blush formed on my cheeks. I could already tell that Shawn was going to end up being more to me than just the boy next door.


lol this ends so bad kinda makes me giggle

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