hunted 2

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Yells sounded from outside the wardrobe. I forced my eyes shut, attempting to stop the tears from spilling. A loud thud echoed around the room and then complete silence fell. My hands began to shake.

What the fuck was that? Is Shawn okay?

Without thinking, I pushed open the wardrobe door and jumped out. My eyes widened at the sight before me.

The man lay motionless on the hard floor, blood dripping from his head. Shawn stood above him, his eyes not leaving the man's unconscious body. I edged towards Shawn.

"Shawn?" I whispered, my voice barely audible. He slowly turned his head so that he was facing me. He just stared at me for a couple of minutes before looking at his bloodied hands.

I quickly rushed to his side, grabbing his hands in mine. He stayed frozen, his face emotionless. I examined his battered hands.

"Shawn, how- how did this happen?" I asked, reluctantly. He just stared at me, his eyes blank.

That's when I noticed the man's hand twitch. Shawn's eyes widened and he grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the bedroom. He slammed the door shut, locking it behind us.

"I thought he was dead." Shawn muttered. "I thought I'd finally got him." I sighed.

"Shawn, you know that man can't die unless he kills himself." I said. He simply stared at the bedroom door and nodded slowly.

We heard shuffling around inside the room and I felt my heart begin to race once again.

"Fuck!" The man yelled.

"We need leave. Now." I ordered. "It's only a matter of time before he finds us again, we can at least get a head start."

I attempted to pull Shawn out of the house, but he wouldn't budge. A loud bang came from the bedroom. It almost sounded like a gun shot. I brushed it off though, thinking it was probably just my imagination.

That's when the same gunshot sound echoed throughout the building again. I looked up at Shawn and his eyes widened.

"He has a gun?" Shawn questioned. I looked at him, a puzzled look on my face.

Shawn released his hand from my grip and rushed towards the bedroom. He pushed open the door and I quickly followed him inside.

Our eyes widened simultaneously as we stared at the sight before us. The man we had feared for so long was laying on the floor, face down, a gun beside him. A pool of blood surrounded his corpse.

Shawn and I locked eyes.

"We're finally free." He whispered.


the last line makes me think of the song 'finally free' by our favourite irish boy, niall horan from oNe DiReCtIoN.

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