love him again

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The whole world seemed to freeze at that precise moment. Tears threatened to pour out my eyes as I stared at the familiar figure before me. A crowd of people swarmed him, but his eyes stayed on me.

A blonde girl jumped in front of him, phone in hand as she attempted to get a photo with him. He smiled weakly at the camera before calmly pushing through the crowd of teenage girls.

He was heading my way.

Unsure of what else to do, I spun on my heels and rushed away from him. I didn't know how to face him. I wasn't ready to face him.

"y/n!" I heard him call.

I continued to speed walk, pretending I didn't hear him. I took a sharp left. Glancing back quickly, I noticed he hadn't followed me down here. However, a few of his fans had spotted me.

They began to rush over to me. I gave them fake smiles as each one snapped a photo with me. Thanking me before they left, I waved them goodbye.

It was then that I was alone in this street. I walked over to a nearby building as tears filled my eyes once again. I slid down the brick wall and the tears fell down my cheeks.

I covered my face with my hands as I thought back to all the memories Shawn and I shared.

"y/n." A soft voice said.

No. Not now. Please go away. Please.

"y/n, are you okay?" He asked.

I snapped my head up in his direction, revealing my tears stained cheeks. My eyes were most likely already bloodshot from my little breakdown just now. I hated him seeing me like this. I hated that he was the cause of this.

He was the last person I needed right now.

"Please, Shawn, leave me alone." I begged, my words barely audible.

He took a step back from me. I noticed his expression soften as he stared down at my vulnerable self. I felt the urge to simply run away from him, but something was holding me back.

Maybe it was the way he looked at me as if he still genuinely cared. Or maybe it was all the memories I desperately tried to forget that came flooding back into my mind. But something made me feel as if I was capable of loving him again.


wtf im like 100 away from 1k reads uh okay

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