mr mendes

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I slammed my locker shut in frustration as Isla rambled on to me about the new English teacher for what felt like the thousandth time today. I was sick of hearing it. Maybe he's hot, but I honestly don't care that much. It's not like any of us have a chance with him. He'll get arrested for dating one of his students.

Also, I finally found a boyfriend the other day, so that's another reason why I'm not bothered.

"Just wait till you see him, wow." She said, completely in awe of this teacher. I rolled my eyes, walking off. Isla quickly followed.

"Good thing we have him now then. Maybe you'll finally shut up about him?" I said sarcastically. I was so beyond done with his 'hot teacher' crap.

"You will be the one not shutting up about him once you meet him." She responded. I huffed.

We made our way towards his class. His name was Mr Mendes. Nothing special about that name, but for some reason girls seemed to crumble at the mention of it.

Isla and I walked into his class. He hadn't arrived yet. We took a seat at the back. Isla continued to gush about him and I found myself slowly drifting into a sleep.

Suddenly, I heard the classroom door fly open.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." A voice spoke.

I'd recognise that voice anywhere.

I snapped my head up to see my new teacher. Our eyes locked and a shocked expression flashed across his face. My cheeks turned a deep red.

Fuck no.

I'm dating my teacher.


mr fitz who? i only know mr mendes.

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