hate how much i love you

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I felt the sand land on the back of my legs as I sprinted across the beach. A lump in my throat formed as tears filled my eyes, causing my vision to turn blurry.

When I couldn't run anymore, I collapsed on to the floor. The tears now rolled down my cheeks. I couldn't hold it in anymore. Suddenly everything came spilling out. I couldn't hold back the tears. I couldn't hold back all the buried emotions.

Shawn had won.

He broke my heart, and he's not even sorry about it. He knows how much I loved him. Despite everything he's put me through, I know I will always love him. God, I hate how much I love him.

It kills me to know I'm going to have to see his face everyday still. Everyday I'll see him walking down the hall, acting like nothing ever happened - like I don't even exist. And everyone else will be none the wiser to what happened with us.

To them it will just be a simple break up. But Shawn and I both know it was far from that.

I know that the memories of the two of us will forever be firmly engraved in my mind. And I wish I could forget. I wish more than anything that I could forget.

But I know that will never happen.


this is shit but omf i've been gone nearly a month. sorry i'll try to update more again.

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