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My eyes lingered on the tall figure before me. I scanned every inch of his perfect body: his beautiful eyes, his messy hair, his adorable half smile. I couldn't believe he was real. I couldn't believe he was standing right in front of me.

"Hey." He spoke, his voice making me weak in the knees. I simply smiled, unable to produce any words. "Do you know where the train station is? I've been walking around for ages and I still can't find it. My train's in 20 minutes."

He had a thick, Canadian accent. It was clearly his first time in this part of London. I nodded in response to his question.

"Would you like me to lead you there? It's easier than to explain." I suggested, secretly just wanting to spend more time with him, knowing that I would never have the chance to after today.

He nodded and thanked me to which I smiled in response. I took him in the direction of the train station. It was silent for a moment, before I decided to speak up.

"So, what brings you to London?" I asked.

"I'm on holiday with my family. I had to fly out late so I'm on my way to meet them now." He said. I nodded. "Anywhere you suggest we should go? I've never been to London before."

I smiled brightly at him. As it's his first time, then there's so many iconic places that he hasn't been able to see in real life yet. Heck, does he even know they exist?

"Well, you could go the most popular places first." I said. "Like Buckingham Palace, London Eye. Oh, Harrods! Expensive but you gotta go there. There are so many good restaurants here. If you're into music, you should definitely at least look at the O2."

I rambled on as a small smile emerged on his face. I looked up at him, slightly embarrassed. He laughed lightly.

"Maybe you could show me all those places?" He suggested.

My eyes widened in shock. He really wanted me to show him around London? What does this mean?

"Sure." I replied. I had nothing else to do, so I may as well help him out, right?

We eventually reached the train station and he stopped just before he entered.

"I forgot to get your number." He stated. "So that we can arrange a time for you to start your tour guide job." I laughed.

Handing me his phone, I type if in my number. I put my name as the contact and handed it back to him. He smiled slightly.

"y/n. I like that name." He said and I blushed. "I'm Shawn."

Shawn. Now that's a name I could get used to.


london is great. i love london. especially since im seeing shawn there

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