husband to be

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"Oh my god, white roses would be beautiful!" My best friend, Faye gushed. I nodded in agreement.

Faye continued to ramble on about her wedding and I felt myself begin to drift off. Yes, I am meant to be the maid of honour, but that doesn't stop the fact that I find weddings so boring. It also doesn't help that I might be in love with her husband to be. And he might be in love with me also.


It all started three months ago. Faye and I were on holiday in Italy and she decided that it would be a great idea to bring her fiancée Shawn along too.

One night, Faye was ill and she went to bed early, leaving Shawn and I alone together in a bar. We took a few shots and talked for ages about anything and everything. One thing led to another, and I woke up in my hotel room with him by my side.

It was so wrong, but I couldn't help but admire him as he slept peacefully beside me. The feeling of guilt I expected didn't seem to come over me. Instead, all I felt was true happiness. A feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. Faint memories of the night before flooded in and out of my mind and I couldn't help the smile that crept on to my face.

Shawn stirred slightly before he turned to face me. A small smile formed on his face as he stared lazily at me.

"Hey." I whispered.

"Hey." He replied.

We both just sat there in silence for a few moments, lost in each other's eyes.

The moment quickly ended as desperate knocks sounded on the hotel room door. Panicking, I shoved Shawn into the bathroom. I quickly threw on some clothes and rushed to the door. I opened it reveal a flustered Faye. My eyes widened slightly.

"Hey, Faye. What's-"

"I can't find Shawn! Have you seen him? Is he here?" She asked, frantically. She burst into the room and a look of panic flashed across my face.

"He left before me. Thought he went back to your room?" I lied. She snapped her head over in my direction. It was then that I noticed she had bloodshot eyes.

"I'll help you look for him." I said, grabbing my shoes and putting them on. She shoved past me and dashed down the hallway.

I turned to look at the bathroom where Shawn was hiding. I instantly felt guilty for lying to Faye about him. But I could never tell her about what happened between Shawn and I that night. It would hurt her more than anyone could imagine.


That wasn't the only time something happened between myself and Shawn, though. Unnoticeable moments between the two of us became a common occurrence. Spending the night in each other's arms wasn't unusual. In fact, the nights we didn't spend together, I found myself aching for him.

But he's marrying my best friend. She's in love with him. She deserves him more than I do. Right?

She can treat him better.

I just need to keep telling myself that.


expect a part 2 lol

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