does she know 2

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i found myself pacing around my apartment, anxiously awaiting their arrival.

shawn had told talia everything at their dinner. turns out she didn't know it was me shawn was cheating on her with - she just thought i knew something about it. she ended up storming out the restaurant, demanding to see me. shawn followed her and now i'm just awaiting their arrival.

the sound of the front door crashing open, caused me to jump. my eyes snapped in the direction of it. talia stomped over to me, the look of pure anger evident on her face. shawn trailed behind, begging for her to calm down.

before i could process what was happening, she was lunging at me. my eyes widened in shock but i remained frozen to the spot.

all of a sudden, she stopped herself, and just stared at me. she was panting heavily, and looked kind of like she was about to pass out. but she swiftly regained herself, her previous look of fury replaced with one of hurt.

i glanced over her shoulder at shawn. he stared at me, a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

"how could you do this to me?" she asked, her voice cracking slightly.

my eyes averted to the floor. a wave of guilt washed over me. how could i do this to her? i prioritised my own selfish needs over my best friend's happiness. but it just felt so good to be with him. i couldn't resist him.

"i'm sorry." i muttered.

"i think we both know that sorry doesn't cut it at this point." she said, bluntly.

i took a deep breath, before glancing over at shawn once again. his eyes were fixated on the floor and i could tell he felt just as guilty as i did.

"i'll cut it off." i said, without thinking.

shawn's head snapped up. his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he folded his arms over his chest. talia just stared at me blankly.

"will you now?" she questioned.

i nodded slowly.

talia turned her body so that she was now facing shawn. shawn wiped the confused expression from his face and stared back at her, his face emotionless.

"you have to choose between us." she said.

his eyes widened suddenly.

"what?" he practically yelled.

"you heard me. so, who's it gonna be? your girlfriend or your side bitch?"

my heart dropped. shawn's eyes flicked between the two of us, swallowing hard. he stayed silent for a while, before his eyes settled on mine.


"i choose y/n." he mumbled.

"i fu-"

"no." i said.

shawn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"what?" talia questioned.

"i said no. i can't be with you anymore, shawn. i told you i'd cut it off with him, talia. i'm sorry shawn, but no."

the room fell silent, an awkward tension hanging thick in the air.

i noticed a smirk form on talia's lips. she folded her arms over her chest, staring directly at shawn.

"look how quickly you can go from having two girls wrapped around your little finger to none." she said. "karma's a bitch, mendes."

and with that, she strutted out of my apartment, swaying her hips as much as possible. shawn's mouth hung agape with shock, before he turned to face me once more."


"save it." i said, bluntly. "get out."


"get out."


i've been so active these past few days i'm actually proud of myself lol

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