love to hate you

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a rush of anger surged through me. my fists balled at my sides and it took everything in me to not start screaming at him.

what i never understood is why shawn infuriated me so much. no one ever made me this angry. no one knew what got to me as well as shawn did.

it's almost as if i love him so much that i hate him. and it's killing me.

i could feel shawn's eyes on me. they held the same look of pure anger that i could tell mine did. and i knew that in this moment, and this moment only, we despised one another. there was nothing anyone could do or say to get us to make up.

at least, not right now.

shawn and i's fights always went like this. one of would say something to make the other angry. one of us would kick off, which would only infuriate the other. we'd get so angry that we'd literally want to kill each other. and then, all of a sudden, we were fine. we would kiss and make up. then we'd pretend like nothing ever happened.

i knew our relationship wasn't healthy. i knew it would be easier to leave. i knew i would be happier without him. but i needed him. i hate to admit it, but i do. i have no idea what i'd do without him.

and that's the reason i stay. because the highs outweigh the lows. because despite all our fights, we love each other. we love each other more than we could ever be capable of loving anyone else. i couldn't be with anyone else but him. i wouldn't want to be.

so if that means enduring countless arguments, then so be it. i wouldn't trade what we have for anything.


if u see this, drop ur favourite artist apart from shawn bc i'm curious - mine is harry styles :)

also sorry this is short i couldn't think of anything else to add.

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