lost without him

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"y/n, don't do this." Shawn pleaded.

I shook my head, keeping my gaze on the ground. Tears began to burn my eyes but I rapidly blinked them back.

"I have to." I muttered.

Shawn released his grip on my shoulder. I looked up to the sight of his tear-filled eyes. He rubbed them rapidly, desperately trying to make the tears disappear.

I took a step back from him, and stared at him, my eyes full of sadness. A single tear rolled down my cheek.

Shawn stared at me, his eyes now bloodshot from trying to get rid of the threatening tears.

We both stood in silence for a moment, taking in every aspect of each other. Tears flooded from my eyes and my vision grew blurry.

Without thinking, I spun around and sprinted out of Shawn's front door. My heart pounded and loud sobs escaped my lips. Shawn's voice yelling name echoed throughout my ears.

Once I reached my car, I instantly drove off. I didn't stop driving until I reached a silent road. Not a single light illuminated the road. No voices could be heard from inside the houses.

I just sat in my car, sobbing hysterically. The only other sound that could be heard was my radio softly playing a song I'd never heard before.

My thoughts raced. All I could think about was Shawn. I kept reliving every beautiful memory we shared together. I thought to all our late night conversations, which meant more to me than anyone could ever imagine.

My heart dropped as a realisation entered my mind.

Shawn and I are over.

I'm going to be lost without him.


the good thing about imagines is that i don't necessarily have to come up with a whole storyline as to how they actually came to break up in the first place. i can just start halfway through the argument and we're good. the story's only one part (most of the time) so i don't have to go into much depth.

okay im done :)

shawn mendes imagines [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now