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My breath hitched in my throat and tears pricked my eyes. Immediately, I thought to run. But something was stopping me. All I could do was stand and watch. Watch the boy I once loved cheat on me.

A single tear slipped from my eye. His lips pulled away from the girl's. It was then that I noticed who the girl was.

Anger surged through my body, and I couldn't stop myself from charging towards the pair.

I shoved my so-called best friend away from my boyfriend. She tumbled to the ground and I couldn't help but laugh as she groaned in pain. But my fury soon returned when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" My boyfriend asked.

I scoffed. My eyes scanned his face for any sign of remorse, but I couldn't find it. That's when I knew he wasn't worth it.

He wasn't worth any of my anger. He wasn't worth any of time. He wasn't worth any of my tears.

A voice then spoke up. Until now, I had never realised how whiny and irritating it was. Or maybe that's just my bitterness towards her causing me to think that?

"How fucking dare you." Emily spat.

As I turned around, I felt her hand come into contact with my cheek. My eyes widened slightly in shock.

"Just because your boyfriend is in love with me and not you, doesn't give you the right to shove me like that." She said, folding her arms over her chest.

I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off.

"In love with you?" A familiar voice scoffed. "Please, Noah can't love anyone but himself."

"And what gives you the right to say that, Mendes?" Noah said, taking a step closer to Shawn who had now appeared at my side.

"You can't even deny it. You never loved y/n. And you certainly never loved Emily. All you ever wanted was an easy fuck."

For some reason, Shawn's words hurt. I knew they weren't directed at me, but that didn't stop them from hurting.

"I know exactly why you're saying this." Noah said, his tone smug.

"Why would that be, Noah?" I interjected.

Noah stepped closer to me. He was so close that our faces were inches apart. However, this didn't send my heart racing anymore. It only infuriated me.

"Because we all know Shawn's in love with you."

My eyes widened. I quickly turned to face Shawn, only to catch him glaring at Noah.

"I bet you two have been fucking all along." Noah added.

"Guess that would make you two even." Emily said.

"I wouldn't sink that low." I snapped. "I'm not that pathetic."

With that said, I turned on my heel and exited the party. All eyes were on me as I stormed out.

As I pushed open the front door, the fresh air immediately hit me. My feet carried me towards the bench that was next to the pathway. I sat down and my head instantly fell into my hands.

After a minute, I felt a presence next to me. I tilted my head up to see Shawn sat beside me. A sigh escaped my lips.

"Was what he said true?" I asked. "Are you in love with me?"

Shawn stayed silent for a moment. His eye were locked on mine.

"Shawn." I urged.

"You can't just ask someone that and expect them to answer on the spot." Shawn said, quietly.

"Well I'm asking, and I need to know."

Shawn sighed.

"Yes." He mumbled.

I was slightly taken aback by his words. All I could do was stare at him blankly.

Deep down, I knew I loved him too. But we both knew that this couldn't happen. Not yet, anyway. The wounds that Noah had caused were too fresh. And they would take a while to heal.

Maybe once I'm finally over Noah, Shawn and I could be more than friends? Or maybe we would both forget this ever happened, and everything would stay the same?


im really struggling to type. this took way longer than it needed to.

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