with me

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My eyes scanned the arena from backstage. I stared out at all the excited faces. The sight brought a smile to my face.

The fact that every single person in this crowd was here to see me was overwhelming. Everyone was here because they love me and my music. I would never fully be able adjust to that thought.

As I walked on to the stage, ecstatic screams filled my ears. I waved out at all the fans with a huge, genuine smile painted on my face.

I grabbed ahold of the microphone on its stand and began to sing in time with the music.

The crowd was the loudest I think they'd ever been. It weirdly brought tears to my eyes. I held the microphone out towards the crowd and just let them sing. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I was never happier than on stage.

After 5 songs, it was time for me to announce my surprise.

"So, today, I have a special guest." I said.

The crowd erupted in a fit of cheers. My heart warmed at their excitement, despite them not knowing who it even was yet.

I turned to face backstage. I caught a glimpse of him and we both smiled at each other briefly. Then, I turned back to the audience.

"Shawn Mendes everyone!" I yelled.

I was almost deafened by the loudness of their screaming as Shawn walked on to the stage. He was smiling so bright.

I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around him and he pulled me close. This just caused the crowd to go even crazier.

"How you guys doing?" He yelled.


I just stared up at him, completely forgetting we were on stage in front of a sold out crowd for a moment. We both temporarily got lost in each other's eyes. They sparkled slightly in the lighting, and I wanted to do nothing more than kiss him right now.

But we have a show to do.

Reality sunk in and I tore my eyes away from him. The music began to play and Shawn went straight in to sing.

I watched him in awe. How could someone be so perfect? It makes me so happy to see him doing something he loves so much. And it made me even happier that he was doing it with me.


honestly i love lewis capaldi sm. his new album is so fucking good.

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