music video

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"It drops today." I said as I walked into the kitchen. Shawn was sat at the island on his phone. He lifted his head up to face me and smiled.

"Are you excited?" He asked. I nodded in response.

The music video for 'Lost In Japan' was our way of exposing our relationship. The fans had been speculating a lot that we were together but none of them actually knew. Little did they know, Shawn and I had actually been subtly teasing them for the past month.


1pm. It was time for the music video to be released. Shawn and I sat by the computer, anxiously waiting for it to upload.

Once it had, Shawn and I both turned to each other and smiled.

"This is it." I whispered.

"This is it." He repeated.


The fan's comments were mostly positive, apart from the few haters. They didn't bother me anymore though. I was just used to it.

Shawn came into the bedroom with his laptop balanced in his arms. He took a seat beside me on his bed and pointed to the screen.

"All the tweets and comments are so supportive." He beamed. I just stared at him with a huge smile on my face.

Shawn and I could finally go out together in public without the fear of being caught. And I couldn't be happier.



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