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I've always wanted a risky relationship. The idea of possibly getting caught and getting in trouble for what we were doing excited me for some reason.

I loved the idea of sneaking around, sharing secret make out sessions. I loved the idea of having late night conversations that nobody would ever know of. I loved the idea of the two of us knowing all each other's secrets, but to everyone else we were simply 'friends' or 'acquaintances'.

But that was until I realised the reality.

If you love someone that much, you want to tell everyone how in love you are. You want everyone to know that that person is yours.

That's how I feel with Shawn.

We have been together for 2 months now. As cliche as it sounds, I honestly don't think I've ever been happier with someone.

But no one can know about us. It would hurt way too many people. Well, one person in particular.

My best friend.

Shawn and her are officially together. They have been for 6 months. I only met him in their second month of dating. But as soon as I saw him, I knew I was fucked.

He was completely my type. He was the definition of tall, dark and handsome. Every time he smiled, I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. The very thought of him brought a furious blush on to my cheeks.

But I never thought he'd feel the same. I thought that Katie was his number one. I thought it would always be that way.

Little did I know, he did in fact like me too. We tried to fight the obvious feelings we had for each other for months. But, in the end, it didn't work.

When you love someone, you want them to know. You want the whole world to know. But when your relationship with that someone could cause so much hurt, you just have to push those wants behind. You have to focus on what matters.

And what matters is the fact that you have each other. Even if the whole world can't know, you still have each other.

You promise that you will always have each other.


im just untired and uninspired.
yes i am aware that untired is not a word. don't come for me.

shawn mendes imagines [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now