bad reputation

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A song that I didn't recognise began to play throughout my car. Guess my playlist must've ended. The start sounded kind of interesting, so I just decided to keep it on.

Once the singer's voice came in, I instantly recognised who it was: Shawn Mendes. He didn't tell me had a new song out. Maybe this isn't new? Maybe I just don't know it?

She got a bad reputation. She takes the long way home.

I always take the long way home. Love just sitting in my car and singing to along to my favourite songs. Also partly because I want to avoid seeing anyone I know on the way back from school because they're all a bunch of dicks.

All of my friends seen her naked, or so the story goes.

Okay, now that's weird. All of Shawn's friend claim they've had sex with me. Now I'm know as 'the girl who fucks anyone and everyone'. So fucking annoying. It's not true, by the way. I've only actually had sex twice. However, I have kissed a lot of guys and accidentally led quite a few on. That's why every guy I've kissed thinks it's a great idea to go around telling everyone they've had sex with me. When in reality, they have not. So pathetic.

As the song went on, I began realise that there was a high chance this song was about me.

Without thinking, I turned my car around and headed in the direction of Shawn's house. I needed to confront him about this. I needed to know if this song was about me.

I arrived at his house and ran up to the front door. Frantically knocking on the door, I awaited an answer. The door flung up to reveal Shawn. He smiled at me but I kept a serious expression.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Is bad reputation about me?" I asked, getting straight to the point. He stayed silent.

I stared him. His eyes were fixated on the floor. Before I could give it a second thought, I crashed my lips into his. He froze in shock for a moment but quickly kissed me back.

I hadn't realised it until now, but this is what I had wanted all along. Shawn was perfect for me. Why hadn't I noticed this before? Clearly that one song was all I needed to confirm my feelings for him.


okay whilst i was writing this, FUCKING BAD REPUTATION COMES ON. creepy. my phone is watching me. it KNEW i wanted that song on.

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