all we ever will be

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"this really shouldn't happen again." i said, frantically getting dressed.

shawn stared back at me, vigorously shaking his head.

"we're just friends that's all we are and all we ever will be." shawn said, almost too quickly to understand.

sighing, i pulled my hoodie over my head. the two of us just stood in silence, looking at each other blankly. i could tell what he was thinking because i was thinking the same thing too.

if we were just friends, then why did this keep happening? why couldn't we seem to control ourselves around one another?

"shawn...." i began.

he stared back at me, clearly knowing exactly what i was about to ask.

"why does this keep happening?"

shawn sighed, taking a seat on his bed. he ran his hands through his hair, a habit i noticed he had when he was nervous. his eyes slowly trailed up to meet mine.

"i don't know." he muttered.

i moved round to his side of the bed and sat down beside him. resting my head on his shoulder, i let out a breath i didn't realise i was holding. i stared at the wall in front of me, trying to build up the courage to say what i was so desperate to say.

"y/n." shawn said, his voice quiet.

i titled my head up to look at him. his eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips. i felt butterflies begin to form in my stomach in anticipation. was he about to kiss me?

that's not the point. that's not what i want to happen. like shawn said, we're just friends. that's all we'll ever be.

i sat with my back completely straight, moving myself further away from shawn. all i could do was stare at him. i couldn't take my eyes off him.

"i think i do know why this keeps happening." shawn admitted, titling his head to face the floor.

i smiled at him weakly.

"me too." i whispered.

his head snapped up to face me, his eyes lighting up. i hesitated for before speaking up again.

"i think it's because we like each other." i said.

a smirk grew on shawn's lip and he broke the distance between us. his hand trailed up into my hair. his face inched closer to mine, and i felt the butterflies forming in the pit of my stomach once again.

shawn's lips gently pressed against mine. he ran his hands down to my hips and pulled my closer to him. wrapping my arms around his shoulders, i gave in to him. i kissed back, immediately deepening his once gentle kiss.

we pulled apart after a while, beaming smiles painted on our faces. in this moment, i don't think i've ever felt more happy. we'd finally told each other how we really feel, after so many months of holding back.


happy one year to this book! that's mad it really doesn't feel like i've been writing it that long. i genuinely thought that i'd start this book and get bored of writing after the first few imagines. but i was wrong. really surprised myself there.

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