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the door to my apartment slammed shut. my eyes darted in the direction of it. a furious-looking shawn stormed towards the living room. he fell back on to the sofa beside me and let out a frustrated groan.

"what's wrong?" i questioned, pausing the netflix show i was watching. 

he sat in silence, his eyes fixated on the coffee table in front of us. his fists were balled at his side. 

"shawn." i said.

he turned to look at me and let out a sigh. he reached his hand out and placed it on my thigh. i gave him a confused look and he sighed once again, something clearly bothering him.

"fucking elisabeth hit on me again." he said through gritted teeth.

i rolled my eyes. when will that girl give up and accept that shawn doesn't like her? probably never.

shawn removed his hand from my thigh and turned back towards the tv. 

"i wish she would just take the hint that i don't like her." he grumbled. 

i took his hand in mine and he turned his head to face me again. a smirk appeared on my face and he gave me a questioning look. 

"next time she comes on to you, i'll slap her." i said. 

shawn laughed.

"no you won't." he said, still laughing.

"you're right, but i will tell her to fuck off and leave my boyfriend alone."

"you do that."

"i will."

"i know you will."


ive been so active today. i think ive posted like 4 parts? oops.

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