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Screams echoed throughout the hallways. Loud bangs sounded as patients pounded their fists harshly against the walls. Others shoved their heads between the metal bars, watching me closely as I walked by.

This type of thing didn't phase me. They were mentally ill and couldn't help being this way. If you treated them with respect, and made sure they knew you cared, they were okay. Some you could easily tame with the right words.

However, others had no hope. They were simply too trapped in their own heads to notice anybody else. The voices in their heads were too loud to listen to what anyone else was saying to them.

The officer with me stopped at a room. He glanced down at me, his expression serious.

"His name is Shawn Mendes, by the way." He said.

I nodded.

He unlocked the door, and pushed it open. He gave me a quick are you sure look to which I nodded in response.

I peered inside and took a deep breath. I stepped inside the white room and the guard shut the door behind me.

In the corner of the room, sat a tall boy with curly, brown hair. He swayed back and forth slowly as he stared out the window. His eyes were fixated on a tree in the distance.

"Shawn?" I called softly.

His head snapped up in my direction. His eyes were a beautiful shade of brown. His jawline was perfectly chiseled. If he wasn't mentally ill, I may have found myself attracted to him. But I knew he could never fall for anyone.

Shawn had one of the worst recorded cases of schizophrenia in this hospital. He was known to lack all emotion when speaking to someone. Even if he was experiencing complete happiness, you would never be able to tell. On the outside, he was blank. Emotionless.

He also suffered severe hallucinations. Meaning that he would be so convinced he saw something, when in fact there was nothing there at all. The voices in his head would persuade him to do things that he, deep down, knew he did not want to do.

It truly pained me to see people like this. Especially when, like Shawn, they had so much to live for.

Before his schizophrenia diagnosis, Shawn was a talented musician. He uploaded multiple covers on YouTube and was beginning to become big.

One day, however, he broke down. The hallucinations and delusions became too much and he went insane. According to his family, he would scream that they said he was coming and violently shake when he experienced his worst breakdowns.

The fragile boy watched me with a blank expression. He was muttering something to himself, but I couldn't hear what he was saying.

"Shawn, I'm here to help you." I said, my voice soft.

His eyes trailed down my body. He continued to mumble to himself. His eyes then snapped back up to my face.

He then turned his head back to stare out the window. He continued to sway in his seat.

Silently, I pulled a chair up opposite him. His eyes met mine and they frantically looked over my face.

"What's your name?" He asked, almost silently.

His words came out quickly. They were almost inaudible.

Even though he was hard to understand, he was better at talking that a lot of schizophrenics. The majority couldn't even produce coherent words.

"My name is y/n." I replied.

His eyes softened for a split second as they lingered on me. He quickly snapped his attention back out the window.

I don't know what it was about him, but something was intriguing. There was something about him that just made me want to help him more than I had any other patient.


i had to look up the symptoms of schizophrenia so like sorry if it's not totally accurate.

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