one that got away

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I never realised until now that it was you all along. I never realised it until it was too late.

I spend my nights dreaming of what we could've been if I wasn't so stupid. If I wasn't so caught up in my fantasy life with your best friend. If I didn't ignore all my friends screaming at me that I should be with you.

Because they were right all along: I should be with you.

But it's too late now. You're with someone else. Someone else that makes you happier than I could've ever made you. It kills me to say it, but she's good for you.

I can tell how much you love her. I can tell how much of an affect she has on you. Every time she walks into the room, your eyes light up.

I may have been too blind to realise your love, but at least one person wasn't. I shouldn't be sad about it. It was my fault.

Shawn, you were the one who got away.



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