craving you

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Sat above the fireplace was a picture frame holding a photo of Shawn and I. I reached out to grab it, my fingers tracing over our smiling faces.

We were sat in a field, food laid out in front of us. Shawn had his arm resting around my shoulder, and I was leaning into him. The smiles on our faces were so wide, it seemed as if they could never be wiped away. Our eyes glistened with happiness as we locked eyes.

My best friend, Lily, had taken this photo when me, her, her boyfriend and Shawn were on a double date.

My eyes hovered on Shawn. A sad smile appeared on my face. I placed the picture frame back on the fireplace.

"That's embarrassing." I heard Shawn say from the other room.

I lifted my head in his direction.

"We're not even together anymore, I shouldn't still have that on display." He said, shaking his head sadly.

I simply shrugged and walked over to his sofa. Taking a seat, I sighed deeply. The sofa dipped beside me, signalling that Shawn had sat down.

"What happened between us?" I asked.

Shawn stayed silent for a moment before sighing.

"I don't know." He said.

"I was so stupid to leave you." I said.

The words left my mouth before I had the chance to fully process what I was saying. My eyes widened and I desperately wanted to cram the words back into my mouth.

Shawn stared at me, blankly. He looked slightly taken aback. To be honest, so was I.

Sure, I thought that all the time. But I never thought I'd ever say it out loud. Especially not to him.

"I miss you." Shawn mumbled.

My head snapped in his direction. I gave him a surprised look.

Before I had the chance to say anything, Shawn was leaning in and his lips were touching mine. He moved his hands to my hair and we instantly melted into the kiss.

The familiar feeling of his lips against mine sent electricity running through my body. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. We both smiled into the kiss.

This is what I had been craving since the day we broke up.


i hate how this ends but oh well i couldn't think of any other way.

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