someone else 2

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I looked up at Isla, who was staring at the ground. Tears seemed to be forming in her eyes.

"I'm confused." I said. "Why did Isla pass the phone to me? What did you say to her?"

Shawn sighed.

"She thinks I'm in love with you." He said.

I gasped quietly which caused Isla's head to snap up in my direction. We locked eyes for a brief second. Her face held an expression of sadness. I sighed deeply.

"So I'm the girl." I muttered under my breathe.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said, shaking my head.

We stayed silent for a few moments, neither of us knowing what to say. I hear him take a shaky breath.

"She's not wrong." He whispered.

I froze. What was I meant to do? Admit that I feel the same? I can't do that, Isla's stood right next to me. What am I thinking? Why am I even considering it? She's broken because of him. She's in love with him. Even if I am as well, there's no way I could do that to her.

It would destroy her.

"Shawn." I finally said, sighing.


"You know that nothing can happen between us."

Isla's eyes meet mine once again. I look at her sympathetically. She shakes her head, a look of frustration appearing on her face.

"Mute it." She mumbled so only I could hear.

I do so, and put the phone down next to me.

"y/n, I know you like him too." She said, taking a seat beside me on my bed. "You can't stop yourself from getting with him just because of me. Ill get over him. I'll find someone new. I don't want to be the one to prevent you from being happy. Your my sister, and I want you to be happy. And if he makes you happy, well then I'll just have to deal with it."

I stare at her blankly. She would really be okay with me dating her ex that clearly still loves?

"Isla, I can't." I mumbled.

She shook her head.

"You can. I told you, I'll be okay. Please, y/n. Just tell him how you feel. I know that if you don't then you'll be upset, and I don't want that."

I took a deep breath and picked the phone up again, unmuting it. Isla didn't take her eyes off me.

"I'll send you my number." I said. "You can call me on my own phone later. Then we can see what happens."

"Okay." Is all he says.

I smile a genuine smile before hanging up. A shaky breath left my mouth, as I opened up Isla's texts with Shawn. I quickly sent him my number and shortly after, I received a text from an unknown number on my phone.

it's shawn

I glanced up at Isla, who was staring down at my messages. A smile formed on her lips as she snatched the phone out my hands. I gasped and attempted to take it back from her, but failed.

She handed it back to me a few seconds later, with an evil smirk on her face. My phone dinged and I glanced down at the new message from Shawn.

that's good to know :)

I gave Isla a confused look. I opened up my messages with Shawn and saw what she had sent him.

just so you know, i love you too

"Oh, I'm going to kill you." I warned.

Isla simply laughed and shook her head.

"You'll thank me later." She said, smugly.

With that one sentence, she walked out my bedroom. I rolled my eyes.

I was secretly thankful for her. If she hadn't told him that, I'm not sure I ever would have.

However, I still can't help but feel guilty over the whole situation. I know she's not over him. I don't think she will be for a long time.

I shouldn't do this.

But I want to.

Maybe I just have to put myself before others for once?

God, I'm so selfish.



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