until i met you

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His eyes scanned her broken expression. The feeling of guilt he had expected to feel didn't wash over him, and he hated that. Shawn knew he loved Lola at one point. She used to be all he ever wanted.

Until he met y/n. Then everything changed.

Every night, he would lay awake, staring at the blank ceiling. Thoughts of y/n and him together rushed through his mind, causing a small smile to creep onto his face. They'd only known each other a few weeks, but still, he had fallen for her. He didn't know how or when. He just knew that he had.

Every time she walked into a room, suddenly everyone else was invisible to him. He was drowned by her beauty. Her effortless beauty. He admired everything about her. The way she moved. The way she talked and laughed with her friends. The way she would always somehow manage to catch his eye. The smirk that grew on her face when Shawn's cheeks would redden in embarrassment for staring.

"Shawn?" Lola asked, her voice cracking. Shawn was instantly snapped out of his thoughts, remembering the current situation he was in.

"Is this because of y/n?" She asked.

His heart stopped. Was it really that obvious?

"I- no, why would you think that?" He questioned, curiosity getting the better of him. Lola simply scoffed.

"I'm not stupid nor am I blind, Shawn." She says, her expression sour. "I see the way you look at her. I see the way you practically die every time she says one word to you. You're in love with her, Shawn. Don't even try to lie to me and deny it."

Shawn remained silent. She was right. He does love her. He has done since the day he met her. He just couldn't tell Lola that. It would break her if he confirmed what she clearly had been all along.

Instead, all he could do was walk away. He walked straight out her front door without looking back. Hopping in his car, he drove to the first place that came to his mind.

y/n's house.


something super weird happened to me.

last night i had a dream about shawn. (nothing unusual i know). basically he was like my teacher and he started singing roses for absolutely no fucking reason in the middle of a lesson. basically this was really weird to me because i have barely ever listened to roses (IDK WHY OKAY) and now im suddenly OBSESSED with it. like wtf? how can dreams do that???? weird.

sorry lol. just wanted to tell you about that interesting dream.

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