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Shawn placed his hands on my waist and pulled me up against him as soon as we heard the noise. It was a loud crash, which signaled that the man was inside. Shawn and I quickly scrambled into the wardrobe where we knew he wouldn't find us.

My breathing quickened as I pressed my head against Shawn's chest. He placed his hand on my back and gently rubbed it. Tears began to form in my eyes.

How did he find this house? How did he know we'd be here?

Suddenly, I heard the bedroom door fly open. I covered my mouth with my hand, so that he couldn't hear my frantic breath. I was still wrapped in Shawn's arms. I could his slow, relaxed heartbeat, which caused me to calm down a bit. He had experienced this enough times that it no longer fazed him. He knew what to do.

"I know you're in here!" The man yelled. He violently punched what I thought was a drawer, causing me to jump slightly. Shawn's grip on me tightened and I quickly melted into him.

Footsteps neared the wardrobe we were stood in. My heart raced as I heard him reach for the door handle. He frantically tried opening the door, punching and shaking it consistently.

"I can hear you breathing, come out, Shawn!" He yelled.

My breath hitched in my throat. Shawn and I locked eyes for a split second. A look of panic flashed in his eyes for a split second.

Shawn reached for the door put I quickly slapped his hand away. There was no way I was letting him leave this wardrobe. He looked me dead and the eyes and gave me a reassuring look before placing his hands on my shoulders gently. I felt warm tears welling in my eyes once again.

"I'll be okay." He whispered, almost silently. That's when a single tear fell from my eye. Shawn quickly wiped it away.

The furious banging continued. Shawn quickly leaned down a placed a light kiss on my cheek. Before he could fully pull away, I pulled him back down. I crashed my lips into his. He quickly kissed back.

Another tear rolled down my cheek as he pulled away for what may be the final time. His hand lingered on my shoulder for a couple seconds before reaching for the door. He took a deep breath, and turned to face me. Tears were streaming down my face at this point. He just smiled at me weakly, then pushed open the wardrobe door.

I hid behind a bundle of coats as I watched him step out the wardrobe. The door shut, and I was plunged back into darkness once again.


probably gonna do a part 2. kinda like this storyline.

ALSO I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO NAME THIS PART. i guess hunted kinda fits since they were hunted by the guy? IDK BRO IDK

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