forgot the lyrics

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"Come on, how do you not remember how my song goes?" Shawn said, pretending to be offended. I scoffed.

"Sorry I don't go out my way to memorise all your songs." I replied, a small smile creeping on to my face. Shawn laughed.

Deep down, I did actually find it extremely infuriating that I couldn't remember the rest of the lyrics to the chorus of 'Like To Be You'.

The teacher yelled for us all to be quiet, causing me to jump slightly. He then began with the lesson.

I tapped my pen repeatedly against the table as I desperately tried to remember the words.

"I don't know what it's like to be you. I don't what it's like but I'm dying too." I muttered under my breath. Shawn clearly heard and chuckled slightly.

"What the fuck is the next line?" I whispered in frustration.

"If I-"

"I've got it!" I yelled. The whole class turned to look at me. I sheepishly smiled as the teacher rolled his eyes at me. The whole class laughed at my embarrassment and I couldn't help but laugh too.

Once the class (and Shawn especially) had settled down, he turned to me.

"What was the line then?" Shawn asked. I thought for a moment.

"Oh fuck, I forgot again!" I yelled accidentally. I quickly covered my mouth. Shawn broke into laughter once again.

"y/n, Shawn. Both of you, out my class. Now!" The teacher yelled. We both stood up from our seats and sniggered quietly to each other as we left the classroom.

"I can't believe I forgot again." I complained.

"You're stupid." Shawn said.

"I know."


shawn's voice is really hot holy shit.

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