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The sun shone through the gap in the curtains, blinding me slightly. I squinted my eyes shut and shoved my head into the pillows. The comfort of the bed caused me to began to drift back to sleep.

Suddenly, I felt the bed dip beside me. The duvet lifted up off me for split second then quickly fell back down. An arm slipped around my waist and I felt a small smile creep on to my face.

I turned my head to face Shawn, who was staring directly at me, a warm smile spread across his face.

His hair was slightly wet, meaning that he must've just got out the shower. I must've been in a really deep sleep if I didn't hear the water running.

My eyes scanned every inch of his face before I shut my eyes once again. I heard Shawn let out a light chuckle and I opened my eyes, pouting slightly whilst looking at him.

"What's so funny?" I asked, moving to my side so that our faces are inches apart.

"You're always asleep." He said, smiling.

"I'm not asleep right now." I replied, reaching my hand out so that it's now in his hair. I gently run my hand through his hair.

A small smirk appeared on Shawn's lips. He moved closer to me, and I removed my hand from his hair.

He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me in tighter. I moved my one of my hands to his hip and the other rested under my head.

Shawn placed a quick peck on my lips before shutting his eyes. A smile formed on my face as I stared at him for a moment.

I took in every perfect inch of him. He looked especially cute in the mornings. From his messy hair, to his relaxed expression. Everything about him was perfect.

How did I get so lucky?


omg im not ready. i see shawn in 12 days and i get butterflies just thinking about it. im so excited but it doesn't feel real. FUCK

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