i think i love you

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my feet carried me towards the balcony, where shawn was. i found myself pulling open the door and stepping outside. i made my way over to his side, not saying a word.

shawn's eyes stayed fixated on the beautiful view of toronto before us. we remained in silence, unsure of what to say or do. i don't know why i even came out here. i guess i just realised he was in pain, and in my mind all i wanted to do was comfort him.

but i couldn't  do that if i didn't know what was going on in that brain of his.

"shawn." i said, gaining his attention.

he slowly turned his head to look at me, an emotionless expression plastered on his face. i tried to examine his features, in search of any kind of emotion. but much to my dismay, i couldn't find it.

"you've been so distant lately." i said, my tone soft. "are you okay?"

his head dropped as he let out a deep sigh. he shook his head slowly, presumably unsure of how else to convey his feelings.

shawn had never been good at saying how he felt. he always tried to hide it. yet i always found a way to get through to him. i always found a way to help him.

but i knew it was going to be more difficult to get him to speak tonight.

"shawn, tell me what's wrong." i practically begged. "i can't bare seeing you like this. all i want to do is-"

i was cut off by him crashing his lips against my own. i stumbled back slightly, but he held on to my waist to prevent me from falling. however, i didn't kiss back out of pure shock.

never in a million years did i ever expect shawn to kiss me. sure, i'd imagines it a few times. but i never thought it would become a reality.

shawn pulled away. he ran his fingers through his hair as he cursed under his breath.

"i'm so sorry." he said. "i don't know what i'm doing. i'm confused and i just-"

he stopped himself.

"you're just what?" i asked.

"it doesn't matter." he mumbled.


he took a deep breath.

"i think i love you." he muttered.

my eyes widened in surprise. my entire body froze. i tried to speak, but no words came out. i felt paralysed.

this was all i'd ever wanted from him. and this is how i react? say something, y/n. don't push him away by not saying anything.

"fuck." he cursed. "i'm sorry. i've probably just ruined our friendship. i'm so sorry. i'm going inside."

just as he turned around i grabbed on to his wrist, preventing him from going anywhere. his eyes trailed down to my hand then up to my eyes.

without thinking, i kissed him. i kissed him like nothing else mattered. i kissed him like our lives depended on it. i kissed him like this was the final time. even though i knew it was the first of many to come.

we pulled away.

"maybe you did ruin our friendship" i said. "but if you did, it was for the better. now we can be more than that."

shawn smiled down at me. he placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

"oh, and, i think i love you too."


wow go me. updating is going well at the moment.

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