loves me, loves me not

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Loves me

Shawn's fingers gently brushed through my hair as we sat in silence, watching the movie playing on the TV screen. A small smile emerged on my face, enjoying the moment.

My eyes slowly trailed up his body and to his eyes. Shawn was focused on the movie. He seemed hooked.

I didn't even realise I was fully staring until a quiet cough escaped Shawn's lips. Shaking my head, the two of us locked eyes. A small smirk rested on Shawn's lips as he stared at me also.

"Just can't stop staring, can you?" He teased. "Am I really that good to look at?"

"Don't get too full of yourself, Shawn, it's not a cute look." I said, smirking.

Shawn let out a small laugh before returning his gaze to the TV. His fingers then continued to carefully drag through my hair. My head buried further into his chest as the tiniest smile crept on to my lips.

I felt a light kiss being planted on the top of my head. The feeling caused my heart rate to quicken ever so slightly.

"I love you." Shawn whispered, now sending my heart rate out of control.

I glanced up at him, smiling. He smiled back down at me and my heart fluttered.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips. After a few seconds, we pulled away and smiled widely up at each other.

Loves me not

My eyes widened in shock. I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing. In fact, it was such a shock to me, that I had to clarify that I wasn't dreaming by asking him to repeat what he had just said.

"You heard me." Shawn said, bluntly.

So, I'm not dreaming. But I still don't understand. This has to be some kind of twisted reality. There's no way the words that are coming out of his mouth are the truth.

"You never loved me?" I questioned, my voice cracking slightly.

"I'm so-"

"Don't even try to apologise. What's the point? You're literally telling me that these past two years we've been dating, you've been pretending to love me all along. What could you possibly get out of that, Shawn?"

He remained silent. Funny how he's suddenly lost for words. He's usually so outgoing and always knows what to say. I guess not anymore.

He's really fucked it this time.

I scoffed in disbelief. I attempted to process this all, but it just wasn't fully clicking. I couldn't wrap my head around what he was saying.

"I wasted two years of my life with you." I muttered. "Two years that I could've spent with someone who actually loved me, not someone who pretended to. Oh my god, how could I be so stupid?"

"y/n, listen to me." Shawn begged.

I snapped my head in his direction. Sighing, I fell back on to the sofa.

"Go on." I said, motioning for him to speak. "Tell me some more lies."

"Don't be like this."

"How do you fucking expect me to react? Do you really expect me to be okay with this? Do you seriously expect me to still believe anything you say?"

Shawn remained silent. Lost for words yet again. Brilliant.

Deciding I'd given up on him, I marched towards the front door and yanked it open. I motioned outside my house for him to leave.

All he did was stare. He did not move. He did not speak. He just stared at me blankly.

"Get out of my house." I said, sternly.

After a few moments, Shawn sighed. His feet carried him towards my front door. Shoving him out the door, I opened my mouth to say one last thing to him.

"Don't even think about trying to come crawling back to me. I'm not going to fall for your shit a second time."


i actually quite like this.

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