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"You're bad for me, Shawn." I mumbled.

My words didn't stop him from taking a step forward. I paced backwards only to find myself crashing into the wall.

The little space that was between us disappeared. Our noses were almost touching as he stared down into my eyes. Just the look on his face made me want to fall back into him all over again.

But I couldn't let myself do that.

"Then why did you let me kiss you last night, and all those countless other times?" Shawn replied.

I stared up into his eyes. They held a look that I didn't quite recognise. But that was a common theme with Shawn. He was unreadable. Mysterious. I guess that's what drew me to him in the first place.

"I don't know." I said, honestly.

"Well, I do." He said, his voice low.

His tone sent shivers down my spine. Why did he have to be so alluring?

Shawn Mendes was driving me insane.

"And why is that?"

I tried to make myself sound confident. But that didn't work. Instead, my voice ended up coming out as more of a squeak. And by the way Shawn began to smirk, I could tell he had noticed.

"Because, let's face it y/n, you and I both know we can't resist each other." He said. "No matter how hard we try to stop it, we both just keep coming back for more."

I shook my head, not wanting to admit that he was right.

"We can't stay away from each other forever." Shawn continued. "It's better that one of us admits how we feel now before it's too late."

Bowing my head down, I remained silent.

A finger gently tilted my chin upwards. Shawn stared down at me, a look of hope in his eyes. My eyes trailed down to his lips ever so quickly. The temptation was too much. I had to bite the inside of my lip to refrain myself from doing anything stupid.

We locked eyes briefly. I didn't quite know how to respond to him, as I still didn't want to admit he was right.

I know everything he's saying is true. I know what he's saying he wants is the same as what I want. But, somehow, I just can't bring myself to say that to him. And it's so frustrating.

"Shawn..." I trailed off.

His eyes glimmered with a speck of hope as he scanned my emotionless facial expression. The light drained from his eyes faster than it appeared when he realised I probably wasn't going to give him the answer he wanted.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want this, us, as bad as I do." Shawn said. "If you can, I'll walk away. But if you can't, I'll take that as a sign that there's hope for us. Even if you're not ready to admit your feelings yet."

His words caused butterflies to grow I my stomach. I felt my cheeks unwillingly heat.

"Fuck." I muttered.


"You're right. Everything you're saying is right. You're so alluring, and it drives me mad. I want all of you. All the strings attached."


i haven't updated in nearly two weeks, that's so long for me woah.

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