publicity stunt 2

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four months have passed since i made the deal with shawn. his album dropped yesterday. soon, we would have to break up. but i'd be lying if i said i wanted that.

truth is, i have managed to catch feelings for shawn. despite promising not to. i can't help it though. every time i see him my heart flutters and my eyes light up. i want to be around him all the time, i just wish he felt the same.


ever since i met y/n, i knew it would be a struggle to keep myself away from her. i can't hide the undeniable feelings i have for her.

i hate that we have this deal.

i feel as if i can't tell her what's really going on in my head, because that's breaking the rules. and i can't break the rules when i made them.

i don't want to have to 'break up' with her. i want her to stay in my life, and be my real girlfriend. i want to spend every waking moment with her and i want to kiss her like my life depended on it.

i just wish that were possible.


a week after the album release, and we're sat together, alone in shawn's living room. we both knew what was meant to happen now, but i didn't want it. i'm not sure if he did either, anymore.

every time the topic was brought up by his manager, we would both remain silent. he seemed as if he was contemplating the decision constantly in his head.

i just wish he'd tell her this can't happen. we can't 'break up', because then we can't see each other anymore. and i'm not sure i can cope without seeing him.

"i think we both know what's about to happen." he said, locking eyes with me.

i sighed.

"y/n, can i tell you something?" he asked.


"i don't want this to end." he admitted. "i want to keep seeing you. i want you to be my girlfriend. for real. not just as some stupid publicity stunt."

my eyes widened at his confession. all i could do was break out into the dumbest smile before replying.

"i want that too." i mumbled.

we locked eyes once again, grinning at each other.

this is all i wanted since the day i met him.



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