what are friends for 2

630 16 2

"y/n?" a soft voice whispered.

my eyes fluttered open as i pushed myself upright. i glanced over at the doorway, noticing a figure stood in front of it.

"what's wrong, shawn?" i asked, my voice raspy due to having just been woken up.

he moved to the side of my bed, perching himself on it. i could hear him taking a deep breath. reaching over, i switched on my lamp so that i could actually see him.

he looked exhausted. his eyes were fixed on his hands, playing with the hem of his shorts. something about his whole demeanour worried me slightly. i'd never seen him look this nervous before.

"is everything okay?" i pushed.

"i couldn't sleep." he said, pausing for a moment. "i - i kept thinking about ... you."

my heart skipped a beat. i had no idea how to react. was this a good thing? or a bad thing?

"what - what about me?"

"i never should've picked bella over you."

i stayed silent for a moment.

he had no idea how long i'd been waiting for those words to come out of his mouth. i've pictured this moment in my head many times. but now just feels like bad timing. it feels ... convenient.

part of me can't help but wonder if he's only saying this because he doesn't want to be alone. i mean, he literally broke up with bella a couple of hours ago. how do i know what he's saying is genuine?

"and you're just realising this now?" i questioned.

he shook his head.

"i've been thinking it for a while now." he admitted. "ever since that night at macy's party. bella was right there - begging for me to dance with her. but all i could see was you. in that moment, i realised that all i ever saw was you. you were the one i should've been with all along. and i was so stupid not to realise that in the first place."

i could feel my mouth banging open slightly in shock. he was with bella for 3 months, and for 2 of them he knew he'd rather be with me. fuck.

my whole body felt frozen in this spot. i couldn't move. i couldn't speak. fuck, i couldn't even think straight.

all i knew is that right now, in this moment, all i wanted to do was kiss him. so why couldn't i bring myself to do that? it's all i've ever wanted to do. and this is my chance. just do it.


"i had no idea you felt that way about me."

shawn smiled softly at me. i could feel his face inching closer to mine, and i wasn't fighting it.

before i could process what was happening, his lips met mine. my heart began to pound and i could feel the butterflies erupting in the pit of my stomach. i smiled against his lips as we deepened the kiss. his arms moved around my waist, pulling me closer to him. my hand moved into his hair, tugging on it slightly.

we pulled away after a while, breathless. beaming smiles covered our faces. i wrapped my arms around his neck and he engulfed me in his arms. he littered kisses all along my neck and collarbone. letting out a small giggle, we fell back on to the bed.

and, well, i'll let you imagine what happened next.


really out here going to bed at grandma hours recently

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