psycho ex 2

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felicity's evil glare burned into me. she didn't blink or move for a good minute. i was frozen in my seat. i didn't know what to do. she'd never looked at me, or anyone, like this before.

i could hear shawn yelling, but i couldn't understand what he was saying. the waitress came running over to our table, grabbing on to felicity's shoulders. felicity spun around furiously, throwing the poor waitress off her at the same time. one simple punch from felicity knocked the waitress out cold. my breath hitched in shock. she stared at the waitress, laying on the ground, a menacing smirk on her lips.

soon enough, her attention was on shawn. she was walking over to him ever so slowly. i found myself practically jumping out of my seat. just as i was about to pounce on that bitch, i noticed something shiny in her hand. my eyes widened.

shawn stared at me blankly as felicity continued to edge towards him.

"she has a knife." i mouthed to him.

his eyes slowly trailed down to her hand, then up to her face. i heard a small giggle escape her lips. quickly, i turned to the couple seated by the window. the man had his phone held to his ear. i could hear him quietly whispering into it. i looked over to who i presumed was his wife. she gave me a sympathetic look.

"he's calling the police." she mouthed. i nodded, gratefully.

my attention instantly moved back to shawn and felicity. she was now sat in his lap, twirling the knife around in her hand. she ran her fingers along the blade carelessly, a wide smile on her face.

"shawn, baby." she began, her voice eerily soft. "can't you see? we belong together. and if i can't have you, well i'm sorry, but no one can."

this girl was beyond insane.

shawn desperately tried to shove her off of him, but she wouldn't budge. instead, she let out an evil laugh. i was so angry, i couldn't move. why did i have to be so helpless?

"shawnie, you're so cute." she muttered.

without thinking, i let out a deafening scream. felicity's head snapped up in my direction. wow, she looked pissed. she removed herself from shawn's lap, still clutching the knife in her hand. she edged her way towards me until we were inches apart. she raised the cold knife up to my neck and i squinted my eyes shut. i felt myself shiver slightly as the metal touched my skin.

suddenly, the knife fell from her hand. a loud thud soon followed. reluctantly, my eyes opened. a gasp escaped my lips as i stared down at her laying on the floor. my eyes then trailed in front of me.

shawn stood with the chair he was sat on in his hands. he held eye contact with me, breathless.

sirens rang out from outside. my eyes welled with tears as i ran towards shawn. he dropped the chair and held out his arms for me to run into. he engulfed me in a warm hug.

police stormed into the cafe, yelling and running towards us.

we explained everything that had happened to the police. felicity and the waitress finally woke up, so they took felicity away to the station. they said that she would probably be enrolled into a mental asylum, as she was clearly not okay.

she left in handcuffs, screaming that she loved shawn and that she would get revenge on me, but we simply shrugged it off. both shawn and i let out sighs of relief and apologised to the innocent waitress. we also thanked the elderly couple.

finally, this nightmare was over.


wow that was dramatic

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