the boxer

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Shawn's gloved hand crashed into his opponent's face. The man stumbled back and Shawn continued to throw punches at his body and face.

The man's face was bruised and swollen in places. I flinched every time Shawn threw merciless punches at those spots.

A few minutes into the third round, and Shawn had knocked the man to the floor. The referee counted down the seconds the man was on the floor, and by the time he reached one, Shawn's opponent still hadn't stood up. Shawn stared down at the man, who was groaning in pain.

Shawn had won.

I rushed on the ring, along with Shawn's team. Shawn held out his arms and I ran into them. He engulfed me in a warm hug, and I scrunched my nose at how sweaty he was.

I pulled away and smiled up at him. A huge grin spread across his face before he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

A couple of his team members came over and congratulated him, to which he thanked them.

Soon, the referee was calling him and his opponent over. Each man stood beside the referee. He held on to each of their wrists.

"And your winner is," he announced, "Shawn Mendes!"

He held Shawn's hand up in the air. The crowd erupted in excited cheers and Shawn's opponent walked back over to his team.

Shawn smiled a beaming smile at me, before walking towards me once again. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a tight hug.

"I think this calls for a celebration." I mumbled into his chest.

He pulled away and smirked down at me.

"What kind of celebration?" He questioned, despite already knowing the answer.

"You'll just have to wait and see, Mendes."


im currently writing a book in my drafts loosely based off this imagine here. since i already have two books on the go, im not going to publish that until ive finished at least one of the two i already have on the go.
basically, if you liked this imagine, then in the future there will be more where that came from lol

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