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Shawn's eyes lingered on y/n's tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes. A feeling of sadness washed over him. All he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her and reassure her that everything would be okay. But he knew he couldn't. Because her boyfriend would kill him if he ever found out Shawn had so much as looked at y/n.

y/n stared at the beautiful boy before her. She knew he was all she ever wanted in a boyfriend. She knew he was the one who could make her feel loved and wanted. Unlike Chase. The very thought of her now ex boyfriend sent a shiver down her spine and goosebumps running up her arms.

Shawn noticed how y/n's head dropped as her eyes began to water once again. The two of them stood in complete silence. Shawn was still unsure as to why y/n was here. And as to why she looked as if she had been crying for days on end. Maybe she was finally done with Chase? Shawn begged that that was the case as he knew he could treat y/n better than that bastard ever could.

y/n did not dare move from her frozen position as Shawn took a small step closer to her. Their faces were inches from each other. y/n took a shaky breath as Shawn scanned every fragile part of her face.

Their eyes did not leave one another's for a split second. Both were hypnotised by each other's gaze. They didn't dare speak, worried one single word would ruin their intimate moment.

Before they could even process what they were doing, their noses were touching, and their lips were nearing. Softly and carefully, Shawn placed his lips on y/n's. Her arms slowly moved around his neck as his slid around her waist. Small smiles formed on their faces, as they melted into the kiss.

Neither one of them ever wanted this moment to end. They were intoxicated by each other.


woo this ends so bad i swear to god.

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