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"Oh my god, you'll never believe this." I said, as Shawn entered the living room.

I felt the sofa dip beside me before an arm wrapped around my waist. Shawn's hot breath could be felt against my neck, causing my skin to tingle.

"What's happened?" Shawn asked.

I snapped myself out of my trance before turning to face him. I shoved m phone in his face and he quickly grabbed it out my hand.

His eyes scanned the screen, carefully reading the text message that was displayed on it. They widened slightly before averting up to meet my gaze.

"There's no way Dan would ever cheat on Yas." He said. "He seemed so into her. What the fuck? This can't be true."

Shrugging, I took my phone from my hands. I opened up my camera roll and clicked on the most recent video. Before turning the phone so Shawn could see the screen, I clicked play.

On the screen, was a video of Dan kissing a short, blonde girl. The video was quite good quality, so you could make out that it definitely wasn't Yas.

My friend, Molly, was the one who filmed him. She saw him outside the club with that girl and knew she had to get evidence for Yas or else she wouldn't believe her. Molly sent me the video first along with a text of what she was going to say to Yas.

I was pretty angry with Dan, to say the least.

"Yas was so upset." I explained. "She called me after she saw the video, a complete emotional wreck. I was mad at Dan for hurting her like that. So I, uh..."

I trailed off and glanced down at my hands.

"Oh fuck, what did you do?" Shawn groaned.

I glanced up at him, an innocent look on my face. He was staring at me intently, silently urging for me to reply.

"Well I sort of called him and might've screamed at him." I said. "I called him a bell end before telling him to never even try to come into contact with Yas again or I would throw him down a flight of stairs."

"So, you threatened to kill him?"

"Not exactly."

"Alright. You just threatened him then."

I nodded slowly.

Shawn rolled his eyes playfully. He wrapped his arms around my waist before pulling me in closer to him. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips. We locked eyes after and smiled at each other softly.

"You're never fucking cheating on me, or I swear to god-"

"You will throw me down a flight of stairs."

"Exactly." I replied, smiling innocently.

I placed one quick peck on his lips before standing up and walking towards the kitchen.


it's only been a week and im already fully invested in love island 2019.

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