everyone knows

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"Hey, Mendes." I greeted, taking a seat at the kitchen island beside Shawn, a smile spread across my face.

He removed his gaze from his phone in his hand and focused his attention on me instead. A small smirk appeared on his lips.

"y/n." He said simply, giving me a slight nod.

Footsteps entered the kitchen, and I saw Kylie, my best friend, and her boyfriend, Noah. They were shortly followed by our friend Jack. They all waved at us and took seats around the island as well.

My phone buzzed on the table and I quickly picked it up to check my new messages. A subtle smile formed on my lips as I glanced up at everyone else. Noah, Jack and Kylie were all engrossed in their own conversation. I looked back down at my phone and re read the message.

i couldn't sleep thinking about what happened yesterday

that's a shame. maybe it shouldn't happen again then? you need your sleep. :(

I heard Shawn chuckle lightly and I couldn't help but smile slightly. Kylie glanced over at us and smirked knowingly. She was about to say something before our other friend, Leah bounded into the room. Her facial expression was blank as she folded her arms over her chest. Her eyes locked on Kylie and Noah.

"I could hear you guys last night, your disgusting." She stated, groaning.

Kylie raised her eyebrow and Noah glanced at her in confusion. His gaze quickly focused back on Leah as he shrugged. Kylie, however, looked over at me, smirking.

"We did not have sex last night." Kylie said.

Leah raised her eyebrows at Kylie. Noah simply nodded his head in agreement.

All eyes then focused on Shawn and I. A blush creeped on to my cheeks. Shawn and I didn't make eye contact.

Everyone knew.

"When did this happen?" Jack asked, his mouth agape with shock.

I stared down at my hands and Shawn quickly reached out to grab one. The heat rose to my cheeks once again and I shrugged.

"Last week." Shawn replied. "Sorry we didn't tell you."

Jack shrugged. Leah was still in shock as she stared at the two of us, wide eyed.

"I always knew you two would happen." Noah said, smiling slightly.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him. My eyes then quickly moved to Shawn's.

He was staring at me, a small smile on his lips and a look of lust in his eyes. I couldn't help the smile that creeped on to my lips.

I am so in love with this boy. I always have been, and always will be.


btw they're all on holiday in this and are staying in some villa type thing if you were wondering

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