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"Noah." I said bluntly.

Noah's head tilted up in my direction, a weak smile gracing his lips. It quickly faded, however, when he saw me stood over him, arms folded and a stern look on my face.

Slowly, he stood from his position on the sofa. He edged towards me and reached his hand out to ouch my cheek. I quickly slapped his hand away, not wanting it anywhere near me. He simply stared at me in shock.

"What's wrong?" He questioned.

I scoffed loudly.

"You know very fucking well what's up." I said, anger lacing my voice.

"If this is about Ruby then-"

"Of course it's about Ruby! And don't try and lie to me, Noah. I know what you two did! Becca saw you! So don't give me any bullshit excuses because I don't want to hear it. I'm done. What he had is over. Stay the fuck away from me." I yelled.

Before Noah had the chance to reply, I stormed right out of his house. I slammed the door furiously behind me. I rushed down the driveway and headed straight for my car. I hopped inside and headed in the direction of the first place that came to mind.


Frantically knocking on the front door, I anxiously waited for it to open. It eventually flew open, revealing the one person I needed right now.


He rubbed his eyes as he stared at me, a confused expression on his face.

"y/n, what are you doing here?" He asked, his voice full of curiosity.

"Noah's a dick." I mumbled.

Shawn shook his head.

"What did I tell you?" He muttered.

I rolled my eyes. Shawn was always right. It was annoying, but true. He warned me about Noah from the very beginning. I simply ignored him though, because I had fallen for Noah and did not want to believe that what Shawn was saying was true.

But it was. As always.

Shawn and I held eye contact for a few moments, neither of us speaking a single word. All that could be heard was the gentle wind blowing on the trees.

I took the opportunity to examine every inch of his face: from his perfectly structured jawline, to his beautiful hazel eyes. Damn, how I could get lost in those eyes.

His brown hair was messy as if he had been running his fingers through it constantly. He wore a black hoodie along with some grey joggers. He looked so effortlessly flawless.

As I took in every inch of Shawn, I found myself realising that Noah was nothing compared to him. Noah never treated me as well as Shawn. He never seemed to care as much as Shawn. He would never stay up late just to hear my rant on about my pathetic problems.

Unlike Shawn.

In that moment, I couldn't think of anything else but kissing him. All I wanted to do was hold him and never let him go. I wanted to tell him how much he means to me and that I want him to be mine.

Suddenly, his lips crashed into mine, knocking me out of my thoughts. It was as if he read my mind.

I was shocked at first, but soon melted into the kiss. Our lips moved effortlessly in sync. The kiss quickly grew more heated as Shawn snaked his hands around my waist and pulled me inside, closing the front door behind us with his foot.

As he motioned for me to jump, I felt a wide smile spread across my lips. Feelings I never knew I felt for him suddenly became so obvious.

I am in love with him. Why didn't I notice it sooner?


kinda like this one

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