a/n ii

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hey guys so this isn't an update but please read anyway as you MIGHT find it interesting.

basically i saw shawn in concert today (19 april). it was his last show of his european leg like how emotional :(

anyway let's start from the beginning

alessia cara is fucking amazing and i have a new found love for her. she started crying before scars to your beautiful and i teared up with her it was sad as hell. BUT WOW SHE CAN SING SO GOOD. she honesty sounds just like she does in her records.

then shawn came on and omg i love him so much like wow. he was amazing but he was really suffering with his voice and i felt so bad for him.

he skipped ruin and mercy because of it. also bad reputation's intro came on (i started crying because that's my fav song ever) but then shawn didn't come on for like 5 minutes and i honestly thought he was gonna straight up cancel the show because he said how his voice kept cutting out and he looked as if he was about to cry a couple of times.

overall, he was still amazing though and i 10/10 recommend. but i hope he feels better because i love him so much and felt so bad for him in the show and just wanted him to be okay :(

aaaand, he's even hotter in real life and he's so adorable, like i can't even process him. AND HIS FUCKING ARMS HOLY SHIT BOY YOU GO TO THE GYM.

anyway im done now but i just wanted to share that because it was the best day of my life. i cried as soon as i left the arena because i was so sad it was over.


okay ill post an ACTUAL update soon bye.

- poppy

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