all we ever needed

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Stars illuminated the night sky. The streets were silent and all you could hear was Shawn and I's light breathing.

He laid beside me on the green grass, staring up at the sky, sniffing slightly. Even though it was pitch black, I could still see that his eyes were glossy with tears. We were inches apart. It took everything in me not to reach out and grab his hand.

All I wanted to do was reassure him that everything would be okay. That he'd eventually heal. We both would.

For now though, all I could do was sit here in silence. All I could do was let him think about everything. Let him think about her.

As much as it killed me to know he was thinking about her still, I just had to get over it. Shawn was always going to love her. That's just how it would be.

Or so I thought.

A year later and here we were in the exact same position, in the exact same park, at the exact same time of night. However this time, neither of us were crying. Neither of us were upset.

We were happy. Happy in each other's company. We were all each other needed.

All each other ever needed.


kinda dead this is so shit

shawn mendes imagines [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now