better off

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I stared up at Shawn's angered expression. Tears threatened to spill once again. I desperately tried to blink back the tears. I wasn't going to let another conversation of ours end in my crying. I'd completely had enough of his shit at this point.

"You know what?" I said, my voice stern. "I'm done. I'm done with you. I'm done with us. Just please get the fuck out of my house."

Shawn stayed silent. His eyes softened and he took a step towards me.

"y/n, I'm sorry." He said.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. He tried to place a hand on my shoulder to comfort me but I shrugged it off.

"It's too late to apologise." I muttered. "I'm sick of the majority of our conversations ending in either me crying or us having sex. It's pathetic. We can't keep going on like this. It's not healthy for either of us."

Shawn stared down at me, sadness lacing his eyes. My heart ached at the sight.

I know we are both in love with each other. But are relationship is just too toxic to continue. If we carry it on any longer, one of us will do something stupid that we will forever regret. It's better to prevent that by ending it now. Even if it will hurt the both of us badly.

"I love you." Shawn said, his voice cracking slightly.

A lump formed in my throat and I swallowed it quickly. I averted my eyes to the floor, not daring to look him. I knew that if I did, I would fall for him all over again. And I couldn't let myself do that.

"I love you too." I mumbled. "But, we can't do this anymore. We can't keep putting each other through hell."

"But we'll put each other through more hell of we're not together." Shawn replied.

I sighed, knowing he was right. Still, I wasn't going to give in. I glanced up at him. His eyes were glossy and he looked as if he was about to cry. The sight broke me. Tears formed in my eyes and slowly slipped down my cheeks.

"Don't make this any harder for me." I begged, my voice cracking slightly. "Please, just go."

Shawn froze for a moment, examining my expression. Sighing, he turned to walk away. He reached my front door and stopped.

He turned to face me.

"I'll wait for you, y/n." Shawn said, softly. "I hope you know that."

We held eye contact for a moment before he pulled open my front door and walked out. After I heard it slam shut, I broke down.

Tears flooded down my face and sobs escaped my lips.

I shouldn't be crying, though. I'm better of without him.



is it too late to tell you that EVERYTHING MEANS NOTHING IF I CANT HAVE YOU

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