just a dream

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Our faces were inches apart. I could smell his minty breath and I swear he was about to kiss me. His eyes flickered from my lips, to my eyes, then back to my lips.

Before I could even process what was happening, his lips were crashing into mine. He moved his hands down to my waist and I melted into the kiss.

It was as if I'd never been kissed before.

The feeling was so raw. So new. Something I'd never felt with any other guy before.

A sense of urgency surged in the kiss. We craved each other's lips, though neither of us would have never admitted it before.

As he deepened the kiss, my hands trailed up to his hair. I roughly tugged on it, causing him to let out a deep moan. The sound that escaped his lips just turned on even more.

His hands ran to my ass, and he squeezed it harshly. I moaned against his lips, causing him to smirk.

An obnoxious beeping noise disrupted me from my enjoyable dream. I cursed at my alarm, annoyed that it cut off my dream right as it was about to get interesting.

A wave of sadness suddenly rushed over me as I came to a realisation.

It was just a dream. That's all it would ever be. Shawn didn't even know I existed. If he ever met me, then all I'd be to him is yet another fan.


it's midnight and i can't sleep

shawn mendes imagines [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now