I ain't your girlfriend ♡︎

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a/n: (Requested)Can you write one where y/n is family friends with the hollands but they haven't seen eachother in a while. Y/n was really nerdy and awkward when they were younger. She comes to visit them and she has gone through a complete glow up since the last time have fallen in love with her and they begin to battle for her attention. Which results in a huge fight between the brothers where they admit to her that they all have a crush on her. Also Paddy is the only sane one. Also enjoy this crap brought to you by me. 

"Boys come down!" Nikki hollered from down stairs as the Holland sons came down one by one.

"Whatever it is I didn't do it." Harry raised his hands in defence.

"No, no one has done anything yet," she squinted at them, "and the reason I called you down is to let you know that we're having visitors this afternoon and I expect you to be on your best behaviour." She warned them.

"Is it someone we know?" The eldest Holland asked, taking a seat near the kitchen island.

"Actually you do, it's the Y/l/n's."

"Wait like Y/n Y/l/n?" Sam quipped as Nikki nodded, "Wow, I haven't seen her for ages!"

"Yeah I remember her now!" Harry cut in, "the nerd with the glasses right?" He said, taking a bite of an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Yeah, well she's back in town and I asked her to join us for lunch." She shrugged and that's when a knock drew their attention, "that must be her." She grinned, walking over and welcoming you with open arms. The minute you walked in the kitchen all the three brothers' jaws dropped; they were absolutely stunned by your beauty, they even thought their eyes were deceiving them and the cold silence made the blood rush to your cheeks. Paddy walked in completely unaware of the situation at hand, "You three monkeys are drooling, what is wrong with you?" He asked which made them snap out of their trance and quickly fix themselves. "Hi I'm Tom." He said holding his hand in front of you.

"Hi," you smiled, "how could I forget you guys!"

"Hey Y/n!" Harry cut you off, embracing you in a hug and then came Sam, after exchanging pleasantries you found yourself sitting on their couch with a cup of tea, swapping stories of how you've been. Suddenly you felt like you were being stared at, glancing at the kitchen you saw the three Holland brothers looking at you and then immediately looking away when they saw you looking at them. Tom and Sam rushed in the kitchen to save themselves from embarrassment whereas Harry found the ceiling quite interesting.

Meanwhile in the kitchen...

"Guys, I have something to tell you!" Harry whisper-yelled.

"I do too!" Sam and Tom said in unison, which made them look at each other in confusion.

"I'll go first!" The trio said in unison, "I really like Y/n." The minute these words slipped out of their mouth, their eyes widened and Paddy walked past them whispering, "Idiots."

"First one out gets to go out with her!" Harry announced before running away from his brothers and into the living room, Tom and Sam following suit. As you were conversing with the mother of those divs, Harry jogged in and plopped himself beside you. "Hey, Yn, I know it's been some time and uh, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out with me?" He asked and before you could even open your mouth, Tom and Sam ran into the room and cut you off, "Hey no fair!" Tom whined.

"Yeah you can't just say things like that and then run off!" Sam objected. While the three boys kept arguing while Nikki sat there trying not to tell off her sons in front of you meanwhile Paddy stood behind you and said, "Oy vey." And rolled his eyes.

"Everyone just shut up!" Nikki yelled, making everyone flinch at her sudden rage, even poor Tessa under a chair. "I have had enough of this! Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is? All of you apologize right now!" The boys hung their head low and whispered their apologies as Paddy stifled his laughs. "It's alright," you said, "it was a good effort but I already have a boyfriend." You announced, giving a sad smile; Tom, Harry and Sam let out soft 'ohs' while Paddy bursted out laughing.

After everything settled down, lunch was quieter than expected; Nikki glaring at her sons and their heads hung low in embarrassment. As soon as you finished and thanked her for the delicious meal, you let her know that your boyfriend was picking you up. Minutes go by and once again a knock caught everyone's attention.

"I'll get it!" Tom announced, he wanted to know who was the guy that took you from him, opening the door it revealed to be his best friend. "Harrison what are you doing here?" He laughed, as he was about to answer you walked up and pecked his lips, "Hey." He smiled as Tom's, Harry's and Sam's blood began to boil.

"Harrison you son of a bi-" Tom began before chasing him into the yard and leaving you sacred as Paddy stood beside you and said, "I told you they're idiots." He laughed. The scene of your childhood friends chasing your boyfriend really ticked off Nikki, and let's just say that the boys were grounded for most of their lives. 

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