It's alright H.O ♡︎

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a/n: From my prompt list on tumblr

Roommate AU

It happened so fast, you did not at all expect your parents to do this to you. They've always been supportive of you, so you thought after you told them they wouldn't mind and would accept you for you.

You've known for quite some time that you were bi, and still being new to this you just came out to one of your friends, her reaction gave you hope that your parents would do the same. But all your hope was lost when your father kicked you out of the family. On your way back to your apartment you couldn't even even think with a straight mind, you were completely lost and had no idea what to do. Opening the door of the apartment you felt a certain emptiness inside you, right now you just wanted to turn someone but also shut yourself from the world.

It's been three hours, and when your roommate Harrison entered the apartment he could hear soft sniffles and silent sobs coming from your room. Rushing to your room he saw a once clean room looking like a hurricane came in and you balled up on the floor in the middle of all the mess. Being careful not to step on anything Harrison made his way to you and sat you up.

He could see the dried tears and mascara on your cheeks, he wiped it off with the pad of his thumb and pushed away the stray hair from the frame of your face. "Y/n, what happened?"

"It's nothing, I'm fine." You sniffled, not wanting to tell him the truth, expecting him to kick you out just like your parents. He stood up from his crouching position and went out, a few seconds later he came back in with a glass of water in hand; getting back to his bent down position he handed the glass of water to you.

"You don't have to take care of me, I'm not a kid!" You barked at him, you didn't want to let out your frustration on him while he was being such a gentleman.

"Y/n whatever it is we can talk it out, I only want to help you." He replied calmly.

"I said I'm fine!" Your stubbornness enraged him, he just wanted to make you feel better and be there with what you were going through.

"If you don't want to talk about what happened, then say so. Don't just lie and say it's fine." He raised his voice making you flinch, as he was about to walk out you caught him by his sleeve.

"I'm sorry," you whispered as tears rolled down your cheeks again, "I know you're just trying to help me, but I don't know how to tell you."

"Y/n you know you can tell me anything." Taking a deep breath you finally felt ready to come out to him, "I'm BI."

As soon as those words slipped out Harrison engulfed you in a huge bear hug, "I'm so happy for you!" But then he wondered what was the reason you were so sad. "Y/n you should be happy why do you look so devastated?"

"Because when I came out to my parents they kicked me out of the family." You tell him, not meeting his icy blue eyes.

"Hey, hey, look at me," He said as he lifted your chin up to face him, "forget about them, okay? If they don't want you in the family, leave them be, from today onwards I'm your family and I'm proud of who you are!"


"Yes!" He exclaimed, once again pulling you into a massive hug, "Now how about we watch some movies and eat some ice cream? How does that sound?"

"It sounds perfect, thank you so much Harrison, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I promised to be with you no matter what, so I'll always be rooting for you."

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