Sprinkles H.O ♡︎

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a/n: fluff concept, haz and the reader are trying to bake a cake and being the div he is, throws some whipped cream on the reader and she retaliates by throwing sprinkles or something😂

You and Harrison were one heck of a couple. Everyone found the two of disgustingly adorable, which was true considering you two behaved like children and carefree.

This year for Tom's birthday you decided to surprise him by baking a cake, now this being your area expertise, you took it upon yourself to do it all alone; until you needed Harrison's help.

"Harrison!" You called out from the kitchen.

"Yes love?"

"Can you pass me that can of whipped cream?" Instead of doing what he was told, your cheeky boyfriend decided to have some fun by 'accidentally' spraying some across your cheek.

"Harrison!" You squealed as chuckled, grabbing some rainbow sprinkles and throwing it at him.

"Ow my eye!" Running up to him you panic if he actually got hurt only for him to throw a handful of flour all over you making you gasp in shock, and of course you get back at him by throwing some eggs as you back away.

Thanks to his long legs he ran towards you to hug you but due to the flour on the floor he slipped, taking you down with him. "Hi." He whispered as he pecked your lips as you giggled.

"Seriously if you two aren't going to take this in the room, me and my cake are!" Tom said in annoyance as he took the cake covered with flour and raw eggs to his room.

"Should we tell him?" You laughed.


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