Stand by me H.O

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a/n: Inspired by 'Stand by me' by Ben E. King, an absolute legend!

Warnings: fluff! lots of fluff

"Harrison!" You called out to your boyfriend as you entered your shared house. Silence filled the room and you searched for the love of your life, entering your room you the blonde sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hand.

Today was a big day for Harrison, he was supposed to get a call for a very big role, but seeing him this position explained everything to you. The both of you thought that he would get the part, but that didn't happen. Walking closer to him you could hear his sniffles and his tear stained cheeks.

"Harrison?" You whisper, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. He looked up, as his glossy eyes met your sympathetic ones, it broke your heart to see him like this.

"I didn't get the part," his voice cracked, his sore voice proved that he had been crying for quite some time now, "you probably hate me now, its okay if you want to break up with me." He said as his head hung low, making your eyebrow furrow in confusion.

"Harrison look at me," you requested as you cupped his cheeks,"I would never in a million years hate you, and why would I break up with you?" You asked him.

"Well because, I can't even get a proper job and I feel like such a failure."

"Hey, this was just one audition, I know it was for a big role but baby steps is how you'll get there," you informed as his eyes began to light up, "you'll have so many more auditions to go and when you do, there'll be so many production companies and directors running behind you." You chuckled which brought a small smile over his face. "And your job doesn't matter to me, I love you for you, even if you were a garbage man I would love just as much as I always do, don't you forget that."

"Thank you so much y/n, I have no idea what I would have done without you." He beamed as he engulfed you in a hug.

"I'll always stand by you no matter what," you reassured him, "come on get up." you ordered him.

"Where are we going?"

"Just come on!" You said pulling him out of the room and into the backyard. "What are you doing?" He asked as you connected your phone to the bluetooth speaker. You shoved your phone in your pocket as a familiar tune filled the air, on recognizing the song Harrison chuckled.

"Dance with me." You whispered as you wrapped you arms around his neck, him placing his firmly on yours. With your eyes closed and foreheads pressed against each others you felt incredibly grateful to have each other in your lives and wouldn't let anything come in the way of this beautiful relationship you have.

"I love you." Harrison confessed.

"I love you too." You reciprocated and pecked his lips

Lucky for Harrison you put the song on repeat, but he wouldn't mind as long you stand by him. 

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