One Kiss H.O ♡︎

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a/n: Hey since your request are opened could I get one for Harrison where they like each other a lot and are at a pub and she sees Harrison kissing his ex girlfriend and gets heartbroken but later finds out that Harrison didn't kiss his ex back or something

Warnings: Language.


You were hanging out with your brothers and Harrison when suddenly Tom yelled out, "Oh my gosh for fuck's sake just ask her out already man! I'm tired of seeing the two of you go all heart eyes at each other, the tension is disgusting me." He said as he fake gagged.

You looked over at Harrison to confirm what your brother just said, he was as red as a tomato, "Y-you like me?" You stuttered.

"Yeah," he said as he scratched the back of his neck, "I do, so will you go out with me?" he asked sheepishly. You got up from your place, which made Harrison worry if you were going to reject him. "I'll see you at the pub at 7, don't be late." You inform him, placing a kiss on his crimson cheeks and made your way to your room as your brother howled in celebration.

"Thanks man, I owe you." Harrison turned to Tom.

"Yeah, yeah, just don't do anything in front of me, I don't want to wash my eyes with bleach." The brunet replied earning eye rolls from the three boys.


Evening rolled by faster than you expected, you told Harrison to meet you directly at the pub. Wearing your favourite black dress and matching pumps, walking in you made your way to the table Tom had reserved for the two of you. Perks of having a billionaire brother. The grin on your face grew wider as your eyes met the familiar mope of blonde curls, but when your eyes trailed off a little the scene made your heart drop to your stomach.

You couldn't believe that he had the audacity to ask you out, get your hopes up, only to find him making out with with his ex. You walk out with hot tears streaming down you face, as the cool air of London hit your skin you started to shiver. Walking as fast as you could you soon heard someone call your name, the voice was familiar so you continued to walk.

"Y/n! Wait up!" Harrison called out as he grabbed your wrist.

"What?" You barked at him.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going back home."


"Because you clearly want to force your tongue down your ex's throat." You sniffled.

"Y/n, no that's not what happened." He reasoned.

"Really? Because it looked pretty clear what was going on." You spat, beginning to walk away only for him to block your path. "Y/n you have to believe me, she was drunk and she threw her self at me, and I swear I pushed her away, you just happened to walk in at the wrong time," He explained, "I don't have feelings for her anymore."

You cut him off by placing your glossed lips on his, "And how do you feel about this kiss?" You asked pulling away.

"All I feel is my love, respect and complete adoration for you." He confessed with soft eyes, giggling at his answer you pull him in for another kiss as your arms wrapped around his neck. You were interrupted by Tom's whines, "Come on! I already told I don't want to wash my eyes with bleach!" You ignored him, giving all your attention to Harrison.

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