Special P.P ♡︎

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a/n: Requested from tumblr, Okay so it's Dussera right? So during saraswati puja I kept my Spiderman toy with the other things it got me thinking- The Avengers arranging a puja for you (Indian!Reader) and najxkakdkdj EVERYONE DRESSING UP AND PETER BEING ALL ADPRABLE AND BLUSHY SEEING YOU IN A KURTA AHHHH AKKAKANDNANC

Ok so first things first, you were one of Tony's adopted kid (honestly he's lost count after Harley) He was in India for a mission when he saw you weeping, near the debris of a fallen building, taking you in his care you've been so grateful to him for everything he's done.

You got along with all the avengers at the compound, especially Nat. But when Tony recruited (adopted) Peter, you felt something different. Feelings you've never felt before, but gladly embraced.

Sometimes you would teach everyone at the compound your culture which made them love you more. But as the years went by you felt more homesick, but you thought that no one would understand what you were going through so you didn't tell anyone except Peter, he was your best friend so of course he knew when you felt homesick. Usually he would order some Indian food and watch some Bollywood movie, even though he never understood, he loved how it would make you smile.

But today you were feeling extra sad because back home one of the biggest festivals were being celebrated but you couldn't do anything. But Peter, oh Peter, he had your calendars synced so immediately he pulled his phone out and checked, on today's date it was written Saraswati puja. Peter knows what he has to now, so he calls all the avengers and asks their help to plan the festivities. Of course they all agree and get to it.

As the evening rolled in, you felt the compound eerily quite. Getting out of your room you made your way to the living room which was dark, switching the lights on you saw what you'd least expect to see. All the avengers dressed in traditional Indian wear, who jumped out yelling surprise.

Peter, who somehow managed to look gorgeously handsome in the kurta he was wearing. He walked up to you and explained his surprise for you, to which you engulfed him in a tight hug as tears of joy flowed down your cheeks, making the rest of the avengers aw at the scene in front of them.

The rest of evening you carried on with the rest of the festivities as you taught them along the way.

"Thank you Peter" you said giving you a small smile.

"Well, I mean you deserve everything so its the least I could do." he stuttered as he nervously fiddled with his fingers. Placing your palm on his rosy cheek you placed a kiss on his other cheek, leaving him shocked.

a/n: What have I written?😞🤦🏻‍♀️

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