Rainy day T.H ♡︎

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a/n: Congrats on 150! Can you write a fluff of Tom and the reader taking a warm bath with raining in the background, the window open so it hits their skin a bit as they talk about whatever?

Flashbacks are in italics

It was a really tiring day for Tom, and all he wanted was to relax with you. And what's more relaxing than a nice bath, with you. Sitting in the tub as you were in Tom's arms, him drawing small patterns on your wet skin; when the sound of rain drops hitting on the window caught you attention making you chuckle.

"What?" Tom asked as he rested his chin on your shoulder. "Nothing, I just remembered our first kiss, it was on a rainy day like this."

"How can I forget that day."

You and Tom stood outside the cafe, taking cover from a thunderstorm. The wind began to pick up making you shiver, Tom noticed and shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it around you shoulder. You were best friends, but you wanted to change that. "Tom?" You stutter due to the cold.


"Kiss me."


"I'm really cold and I think I'm getting hypothermia." And without sparing a single second you crashed your lips on his warm one, instantly feeling the heat.

"I'm s-sorry I shouldn't have." You whisper, as guilt took over you; when you felt pair of warm lips on yours.

"Tom?" You ask, pulling him out his thought, him humming in response, "I didn't actually have hypothermia that day, I just really wanted to kiss you." You admit sheepishly.

"I know, Harrison told me." He whispered in your ear, eyes still closed.

"I'm gonna kill him!" You mutter under your breath earning a chuckle from your boyfriend.

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