Mr & Mrs Holland ♡︎

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After what seemed an eternity Tom finally got the courage to put a ring on it. Everyone thought it was about time, and even though you were his, he couldn't wait for you to take his name and be the mother of his children.

The morning after the extravagant celebration of your engagement felt somewhat different yet similar to Tom, maybe it was the huge stone on your finger or how your beauty outshone it. Looking over at you, he smiled as soft snores left your mouth making you look more adorable than ever. Beginning to stir from your sleep you caught Tom staring at you, everything felt so perfect as you laid on Tom, cuddling into his warmth. "Morning lover." You rasped.

"Morning," He replied, "I would've had breakfast ready but you were sleeping on my arm and I didn't want to wake you." Tom rolled you over, laying on top of you peppering you with kisses as you giggled.

"You look excited."

"If you're beside me? Then always!" You blushed, "I know I've kissed you like, ten times but just ten more please?" He asked.

"You don't have to ask me twice." You smirked and erupted into fits of laughter. After Tom was done showering you with his affection you went to the kitchen as Tom prepared some chocolate waffles, which were delicious! Sitting on the couch you began talking about the journey of your wonderful relationship and remembering the fond memories of your firsts.

"I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror." he admitted as his cheeks went scarlet red. "I know." You said casually leaving him stunned at your response.

"What? How?"

"Your mum told me." You laughed.


"After our first date."

"You've known for that long?" You nodded as he groaned.

"Well it's a good thing we're getting married, now I'll have so many more stories to hear from her."

"There will be none of that!" He laughed, being sure that it was the best decision he ever made. 

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