Sweet nothings P.P ♡︎

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The window of your room slid open revealing your boyfriend in the spandex, turning away from your table and book you hopped to him. He took off his mask, plopping on the edge of the bed and he looked at you with a pout, eyes soft and filled with tiredness and disappointment all at the same time.

As he sat between your legs you ran your hand through his sweaty brown locks, which he found quite comforting after what happened; he even wrapped his arms around you and placed his head against your stomach, just like May used to do for him when he was in school. Even though it was rare when he would return dead tired, all he wanted was for you to help him relax, and you knew better how difficult it is to be in college whilst being a superhero, but Peter made it look like a piece of cake for everyone. But you were the only one to see him at his lowest, but no matter what he always made though it.

"You know, I almost had them." Peter broke the silence as his voice cracked which pierced your heart to see him in pain. As your hands mindlessly roamed his locks you motioned him to get comfortable, you thought he would cuddle but instead you found his head on your lap. Still massaging his scalp he drew small patterns near your knee, "You wanna talk about it?" You hummed.

"No." That's all he said. "It's okay, Pete, we can just stay here." A couple of more minutes pass away when your boyfriend breaks the silence again by mumbling something, "I'm so sorry Y/n, I-I just feel like I'm not myself anymore." He stuttered.

"What d'ya mean?"

"I mean, I think I'm becoming more lousy as a superhero and as a student, I can barely do either." he huffed, your heart shattered again at his voice cracks.

"Petey, I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but I can assure you that you're not lousy at either. You are always looking out for the city as well as getting straight A's, and I don't know anyone else who can be so brilliant at both. You make me proud you know that right?"

"I know." He whispered as a small smile crept on his face.

"Okay, so are you gonna take a shower? You stink." You chuckled.

"I'm not moving, your lap is comfortable." Peter pouted.

"Okay, then how about I draw us a bath?" You asked him, as he hummed in response. 

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