Damsel in distress T.H ♡︎

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Warnings: Suggestive themes


Tom Holland. One of the most feared person in all of London, but you weren't one of them. All it took was you, drunk, in one of his night clubs to make him fall for you. Despite his job he never took advantage of you that, even though he could, he didn't. And that changed his life for ever, as he had the opportunity to meet the sober you.

Few dates later, you had made it official but kept it on the dl. Tom did not at all in any wanted to let the dangers of his job get to you, and 3 months later it was going very well for you and the mobster. Another day, another gala, there wasn't a single party as such that wasn't important and he always had you on his arm.

He loved seeing you all dolled up only for him, always treating you like the queen you were. As you reached the mansion where, said gala was held Tom got out of the car and gave you his hand to help you, he didn't like it even if the valets would that, you were his and no one but him could lay his hands on you. At first it was cute seeing the brunet getting all protective over you, but the more his love grew, so did his need to protect you. "Did I tell you how gorgeous you look in that dress?" He asked, eyes full of adoration.

"Maybe, like 50 times in the past hour or so, yeah." You laughed.

"That's because you do!" He said wrapping his strong arms around your waist, pulling you in for a chaste kiss. He pulled away and led you to the bar ordering your drinks and throwing some more compliments your way making you blush. The entirety of the time Tom had his hand on the small of your back, until he was called by someone. "Are you sure you'll be fine alone?" Tom asked before he left, when actually he didn't want to leave you.

"I'll be fine Tom," you reassured him, "you go on now."

"Alright." He smiled and gave you a kiss on your forehead before leaving. You knew it would take time, so you ordered another round of drinks for yourself, when the bar tender placed a drink in front of you, "Oh, I didn't order this."

"The guy over there did," He informed. Looking to the end of the bar you saw a man waving at you before going over to you. "Hello," his deep voice ringing through your ears, "what's a pretty lady like you doing all alone?" He asked with a smug smile.

"Just waiting for someone." You gave an honest smile.

"Someone, like a friend?"

"Someone, like a boyfriend." You corrected him proudly.

"What he doesn't know won't kill him now would it?" He persisted.

"Oh, but I'm pretty sure he would kill you."

The stranger was about to make another snarky comment when someone cleared their throat, "Touch her and you're dead." Tom said, anger laced in his voice.

"Told ya." You winked at him, taking another sip of your drink, waiting to see what happens next.

"T-Tom," he stuttered, "I didn't know she was your girl, I-I'm so sorry." He quaked.

"Yeah, that's right. And now that you know, beat it!" He warned, as the guy left.

"I'm so sorry I left you alone." Tom apologized.

"I was fine Tom," you laughed and finished your drink, "Let's go?" Tom nodded. The was back to the valet Tom was silent, jaw clenched and worry written all over his face.

"Is somebody jealous?" You teased your boyfriend, Tom simply look around to see if anyone was around and stopped walking, leading you to a room which was supposed to be supply closet; he closed the shut and pinned you against the door.

"Tom what are you doin-" You were cut off as he began kissing you roughly and trailing down your neck and your exposed collar bone, marking you up, soft moans escaping your lips.

"Mine." He said in between kisses, hand lost in your hair and yours placed on his chest, pulling him closer as your leg wrapped wrapped around his torso. After that night Tom made sure never to leave you alone, and you made sure to always leave with something to wrap yourself, just incase. 

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